
On May 31, 2017, a couple of days after my 28th birthday, I was thrown a curve ball that knocked me clear off my feet. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. My daughter was 4 months old and I’d only been back at work from maternity leave for a little over a month. I didn’t have time to be sick. I didn’t have time for countless doctor appointments, an awful surgery, or a radiation treatment that would require me to be isolated. It wasn’t fair. That day a line was drawn in my life. There has been and will always be a “before” and an “after” that moment I sat in the doctor’s office with my husband and baby girl and the doctor said the gut piercing word “cancer.”

I am starting this blog to help encourage others by sharing my journey since that day and how I am currently still figuring out what it looks like to stand/wobble on my own two feet again. We all have struggles and we all experience suffering. It looks different for everyone but we all go through hard times sooner or later. I feel very strongly that we are meant to love on one another, especially during the darker days.

I don’t have experience blogging or writing, but I do have experience with life shaking moments. I have experience with leaning on loved ones for strength when I had none. I have experience with God’s sweet gift of grace. I pray someone somewhere is able to find some comfort from my words… to feel that they aren’t alone in whatever their season of life may be… And if not, this surely has to be some good ole therapy to put all of my crazy thoughts into words, right?

Oh, and hi! My name is Kate and I’m now 29 years old. I grew up in Alabama and went to college at Auburn University where I received a degree in Animal Sciences, War Eagle! A few years later, I got my MBA from Mississippi State University. I have lived and worked in South Mississippi for almost 5 years. When I am not working as a sales rep for an animal health company, I can be found dancing around a small town called Petal, Mississippi or back at my family’s farm in Alabama. I share a home with my high school sweetheart, a wild 1.5 year old daughter, a loyal rescue pup, and two ungrateful kitty cats. We are also humbly expecting another little human baby to make his or her arrival in October!


[UPDATE as of April 2020] :

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